Although clubs have a busy calendar once the league and other competitions commence, there will be several friendly matches whenever time allows. We set out below details of those games which have come to our attention. Please bear in mind that all dates are provisional and are subject to change at short notice. Matches already played in red, games pending in blue, changes since our last update in bold. For last summer's pre-season games see separate section. (02.09.17)
29 Aug | Colombino trophy, Huelva
With Recreativo (the oldest club in the league) struggling for survival in the regional second division B, the 53rd edition of this prestigious trophy was delayed until the last week of August. Recreativo beat Getafe 1-0, Ale Zambrano scoring the only goal for the Andalusians. |
Aug / Sep | Sundry matches Friendly fixtures are played during and around the international breaks. Details as follows: 29/08: Guadalajara 1 - Legan�s 3 (Heredia / El Zhar, Salazar 2); 01/09: Eibar 0 - Girondins Bordeaux 0; 01/09 (in Zubieta): Real Sociedad 1 - Alav�s 2 (Jon Bautista / V�ctor, Burgui). |
Mid Dec | Club World Cup As reigning European champions, Real Madrid will take part in the next edition of the Club World Cup. See separate section for details. |
End Dec | Regional matches Regional matches normally take place during the festive break, with teams from the autonomous regions playing international fixtures. Recently Euskadi and Catalonia were the only ones to organize games, although Galicia did play one match last season for the first time in many years. ¡Official Catalonia and Euskadi shirts available from our shop! |
End Dec | Champions for Life The charity match organized by the LFP and UNICEF usually takes place in the winter break, with the presence of many top names from La Liga. No details as yet as to whether this will be repeated |
Friendly Fixtures 2016/2017
Friendly Fixtures 2015/2016
Friendly Fixtures 2014/2015
Friendly Fixtures 2013/2014
Friendly Fixtures 2012/2013
Friendly Fixtures 2011/2012
Friendly Fixtures 2010/2011
Friendly Fixtures 2009/2010
Friendly Fixtures 2008/2009
Friendly Fixtures 2007/2008
Friendly Fixtures 2006/2007
Friendly Fixtures 2005/2006
Friendly Fixtures 2004/2005
Friendly Fixtures 2003/2004
Friendly Fixtures 2002/2003
Friendly Fixtures 2001/2002
Friendly Fixtures 2000/2001